
How to Prepare for Your Child’s IEP Meeting


An individualized education plan (IEP) is a key component of your child’s special education plan.

By law, schools are required to provide services to kids who qualify. An IEP meeting is where goals will be set and which services will be provided are decided on by both educators and the child’s guardians. This can be very intimidating for parents. With preparation and research prior to the meeting, parents will feel more informed and confident during the meeting. The time spent before will lead them to be better advocates for their child while developing a plan that will help the child have more success in school while keeping everyone happy.

Below you will find 6 steps to help best prepare you for your child’s IEP meeting.

Talk to the Teacher

It is important to talk to your child’s teacher to determine how things are going at school. The teacher can help identify your child’s strengths and challenges and may suggest what services would be helpful to them. If possible, observe your child in the classroom to get a feel for how social interactions and classroom learning are going. Knowing this information, as well as their current math and reading levels, will help you assist in setting goals during the IEP meeting.

Do Your Research

The school should send home a notice of meeting that states who will attend the IEP meeting, the reason for meeting, and, if applicable, goals set in the previous IEP meetings. Carefully read the information sent home so you understand what to expect. You may also consider studying special education laws that pertain to your child’s needs so you know what services you can legally ask for.

“Know your rights and review your school district and state’s procedural safeguards.”

says Amy Scott Lorton, a Special Education Consultant and Advocate from My IEP Advocate. “Connect with your local disability agencies and parent support groups.” There are also many websites and books available to help parents prepare for IEP meetings. The more knowledge you have, the more confident and comfortable you will feel during the meeting.

Set Goals

Prior to the meeting, write down questions you would like to ask at the meeting. This is also a great time to consider what visions and goals you have for your child and make note of them. Bring your notes with you to the meeting so you can refer to them throughout the process. Having a list of questions and an idea of goals you would like to see your child reach will help you make sure that you cover everything you had hoped even if the emotions of the meeting make it more difficult to remember your questions and concerns. Don’t be afraid to ask for additional services for your child. The school may not provide everything you had in mind, but it never hurts to ask.

Get Organized

Collect any paperwork you need or would like to bring to the meeting and gather it in one place, so it is neat and organized for the meeting. Bring your notes from your observation, your list of questions and goals you would like to set, and any medical paperwork that pertains to the IEP meeting. If you have had any private evaluations done, bring copies of those as well.

Bring an Advocate

Because IEP meetings can be intimidating, it can be helpful to bring an advocate to the meeting with you.

“An advocate can attend meetings, help you prepare, articulate the meaning of assessments and explain them with regard to your child’s educational needs.”

Amy Scott Lorton

An advocate could be a lawyer or, simply, a spouse or co-parent. Having a person there both for support and to be another voice for your child can be a good boost of confidence for the parent to help ensure you meet the goals you would like for your child. Be sure to let your school know, in advance, who will be attending the meeting with you.

Be Confident

You know your child best and are the best person to represent their needs, challenges, and successes. While it can be emotional and overwhelming to address issues your child is facing when it comes to learning, setting goals and ensuring the proper services are provided is the best thing you can do for your child’s success in school. Dress appropriately for the meeting, bring the documents and notes you prepared, and speak confidently and lovingly about your child. Your preparation and concerns will be apparent to everyone at the meeting, and you will have the reassurance that you were prepared and did your best to help your child be successful in school.


Sarah Lyons is a mom of six children, including triplets who are seven years old. She enjoys reading, writing, and cooking. Her articles have appeared in over 150 parenting magazines and publications.

Quoted in article is Special Education Consultant & Advocate, Amy Scott Lorton, of My IEP Advocate. She has been helping parents navigate the complicated special education process since 2002. Amy holds a Certificate in Special Education Advocacy from William and Mary Law School and multiple teaching certificates. Amy has over two decades of experience teaching students with disabilities as well as personal experience raising a child with a disability. She is an active member of Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA) and National Association of Professional Special Education Advocates (NASEA). Amy also partners with local disability support agencies and non-profit organizations to offer quality advocacy and informational training and workshop opportunities to parents and professionals. Request a consultation at Contact Amy at or call 850-432-IDEA.


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