Currently Browsing: March 2022 5 articles

Creative Things to Do With Plastic Easter Eggs

Everyone enjoys participating in an Easter egg hunt in the community or with family, but if your family is anything like mine, we have an abundance of plastic Easter eggs […]

Date Night Can Be Inexpensive AND Fun!

We’re trying to get control of our finances by living on a budget. We also have about $18,000 in debt we are trying to pay off. My husband brings home […]

Tweens, Teens and Screens:
What Your Kids Are Missing If They Don’t Have Social Media

“Will my kids miss out if I do not give them social media?”  I get this question at almost every one of my conferences.  As parents, it is heartbreaking to […]

Parent Question: What Do I Do When My Child Lies?

“What do I do when my child lies?”  I get this question all the time.  Trust me, you are not the only parent struggling with this. This is normal, so […]

How to Extinguish Parent Burnout

Jennifer first noticed feeling burned out when her daughter hit puberty. She said she felt, “emotionally and physically drained and that I’m absolutely failing as a parent in every way.” […]

Mobile Bay Parents
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