Currently Browsing: May 2022 6 articles

8 Great Mom Apps That Can Make Your Life a Little Bit Easier

Mother’s Day is on May 9, the perfect opportunity to take care of yourself and other moms that you know. There are a lot of apps out there dedicated to […]

10 Weeks of Summer Fun

My kids never went to an overnight camp. They were happier sleeping in their own beds, and with a flexible work schedule, I didn’t have to worry about daycare most […]

Ways Kids Can Cash-in This Summer – Money Making Ideas for Tweens & Teens

Teaching kids the value and rewards of hard work and earning their own money is an integral part of helping them develop into responsible adults. Through this, they gain self-esteem, […]

I Wouldn’t Go That Far

Our son is in high school, and he has a part-time job. He makes good grades, and we have always tried to teach him how to save and handle money […]

Tweens, Teens and Screens:
The Internet is Not All Bad

Wait for it… The internet is not all bad. Yes, even for your teens. I know you are thinking, wait a minute, you have told us ALL of the bad […]

Are You a Lawn Mower Parent?

“Helicopter parents” are becoming obsolete and replaced by “lawn mower parents”. This new breed of parenting style plows ahead of their children, arranging their lives in an attempt to eliminate […]

Mobile Bay Parents
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