Currently Browsing: December 2023 5 articles

The Games Our Children Play Helping Them Be Their Authentic Selves

The other day, I was talking to my son, and someone texted me a question about something I had asked them to do for me. Given he and I were […]

What Kind of Life Insurance Do You Recommend?

Q. My wife and I are both 36 years old, and we have two children. Our son is six, and our daughter will be four next month. We’ve been walking […]

Admissions Checklist: When Applying to New School

This checklist will help you organize the private school admissions process and help you manage your time efficiently. Selecting schools which fit your needs and requirements takes a lot of […]

Must Do’s for the New Year

Last year my husband and I set a goal to set up our will and estate plan. This forced us to look at who would become guardians of our children, […]

Executive Functioning Skills… The Secret to Their Success

As a child, I loved playing the arcade game “Whack-a-Mole”. The goal was to hit the heads of moles every time they popped out of holes. The game started slow […]

Mobile Bay Parents
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