Currently Browsing: Meeting Kids Where They Are 35 articles


Teaching Children How to Be Humble

Pride destroys relationships. Pride prevents successful conversations, hinders people from accepting responsibility, disregards others, eliminates a person’s ability to compromise or connect, and eradicates vulnerability. When a person struggles to […]


Teaching Self-Compassion to Battle Shame

Dr. Brené Brown, who researches emotions, defines shame as the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed and, therefore, unworthy of love, belonging, and connection.  Simply […]


Becoming a Student of Your Child

Teachers, counselors, pediatricians, and everyone else who works with children are distressed by how often parents are unaware of how their choices, behaviors, and words may negatively impact development. Emotionally […]


Polyvagal Stimulation for Children

Have you ever wondered why weighted blankets help us sleep better or why babies are soothed by rocking?  According to Stephen Porges, the autonomic nervous system consists of three primary […]


Quiet Parenting

I recently spent a large amount of time with one of my favorite people on earth, my 95-year-old grandmother. In her thirties, she had a tumor removed from her thyroid, […]


What We Can Learn From Special Needs Parents

Angela Schwindt is credited for these wise words, “While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.”  I think most […]


Repairing Traumatic Moments

Let’s just be honest, most of us experience the feeling of overwhelm more than we want to admit. There is simply too much stimulation in our world: too much to […]


Teaching Your Children to Have a Growth Mindset

Now that school is out and children are home for the summer, many parents have reached out to me concerned about their children’s lack of motivation.  The first thing I […]

How Social Media is Shaping Your Children

Our children, no matter what age, soak up everything.  They are sponges that absorb their friends, celebrities, social media, television shows, and movies.  For the most part, mature adults can […]

What’s Your Parenting Style? (And Which Style is Best)

Psychologists Baumrind, Maccoby, and Martin used observations and interviews to identify parenting styles. The researchers assessed disciplinary strategies, communication styles, displays of nurture and warmth, and expectations of maturity and […]

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