
From the Publisher – November 2024

From the Publisher- ESP. GPP. MBP nov2024

With changing seasons and holidays right around the corner, I recently got the itch to deep clean and organize the house. Last year, we organized the pantry with all kinds of containers and labels. It made such a difference that I knew I wanted to organize the rest of the kitchen similarly. While shopping the wall of organizational bins and boxes, I spoke with a delightful lady on the same mission. We laughed as we shared stories of Sam’s Club items our husbands were storing in our pantries, like the gallon of soy sauce her husband won’t let her get rid of and the 50lb bag of rice my husband bought. They both bought the items under the thought of “more costs less” but when it goes bad before you use it all or requires special storage, is it really worth it? My new friend and I agreed that less is definitely more when it comes to “stuff” in the home! More time not cleaning, more money not purchasing items (and items to store the items in), and fewer arguments over 5-gallon vats of ketchup.

Yes, less mess, less stress. That is what really got my gears going as I tore through the house donating items, giving away things and mostly throwing things out because they had just served their time. While I am not finished, it already feels so much better. Even my mind feels less cluttered! As Pam Moore shares in this month’s feature, The Life-Changing Magic of Purging Toys, there are some real benefits that trickle through the home when you purge, especially toys that are no longer in use. The same toys your child no longer has interest in might bring another child joy.

Decluttering is not always as easy as it sounds. We get really motivated as we are donating clothes the kids have outgrown or throwing out broken household items. Still, if you are like me, you will inevitably come across some things you no longer use or have a place for but are too sentimental to throw away. There are so many things you can do with the kids’ art, but what about other items? I allowed myself a box per child to keep things that I just could not get rid of (maybe in hopes of using for grandkids one day). As I go through these special items, I find myself in prayers of thanks, so incredibly grateful for all the moments that were gifted to me to cause such feelings of joy.

Speaking of being grateful, with November being the month of Thanksgiving, this is the perfect time to include Sandi Schwartz feature, 10 Science-Backed Benefits of Practicing Gratitude with Kids. I am a huge believer in focusing on thankfulness. Not only is it something that I feel is spiritually fulfilling, but I have also heard that it is impossible for the brain to focus on gratitude and anxiety at the same time!  Admittedly,  I am not a neurobiologist or therapist, but I have read this from several reliable neuroscientists and therapists.  It can be tough when you are going through a season of trials, but give it a try; you may be amazed at the difference it may make.

Lastly, if I have not told you lately, please know how very much I appreciate your support of the magazine each month. I am truly blessed to have this opportunity to work with amazing community members, businesses, schools, and readers! We connect through the magazine, social media, and while out and about around the town. THANK YOU!

Wishing you and your family a wonderful “Thanksgiving” season!

Lynn Knighton
Author: Lynn Knighton

Lynn has called the Mobile Bay area home since 2006 with her husband Brad and their 3 daughters. Following the sale of her Abrakadoodle franchise, Lynn still wanted to serve families and help them thrive. Becoming the Publisher of Mobile Bay Parents was the perfect opportunity. Now she invests into family's lives each month by providing the with the area's #1 go-to resource for moms and dads.


Lynn has called the Mobile Bay area home since 2006 with her husband Brad and their 3 daughters. Following the sale of her Abrakadoodle franchise, Lynn still wanted to serve families and help them thrive. Becoming the Publisher of Mobile Bay Parents was the perfect opportunity. Now she invests into family's lives each month by providing the with the area's #1 go-to resource for moms and dads.
Mobile Bay Parents
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