Every month we compile a list of students and schools doing great things across our community. We have so many talented students in our area. Mobile Bay Parents joins with these families and schools to celebrate their achievements!

Council's First Day of School

The halls of Council Traditional School came alive as we kicked off another exciting school year. Our dedicated teachers, staff, and administration were thrilled to welcome our amazing students back.
The students eagerly met their new teachers and explored their freshly decorated classrooms. We are all looking forward to a year filled with growth, learning and discovery!

Council Traditional School Makes Learning Fun

Our incredible students just wrapped up their book report presentations, and we couldn’t be prouder. Each student chose a book to read and shared the most important details about the story, setting, and characters. They even brought in creative items to represent key parts of their stories- like a real potato for “The Couch Potato”. These young readers put their hearts into these projects, and their creativity truly shined. Keep up the great work, second grade!

St. Ignatius Elects Homeroom Representatives

St. Ignatius focuses on leadership and character development. One aspect of these virtues is shown through SGA elections. Beginning in fifth grade each candidate per grade level homeroom presents their platform and gives a speech. These speaking skills are honed from younger years at St. Ignatius. Programs and performances start in 2K. Beginning in 4K, Mass participation, including readings and intentions, start. By the time students get to 8th grade, they are confident leaders. Congratulations to these Impalas for winning the homeroom representative election! #TheCatholicDifference #CatholicsBuildCharacter #HisPathTheirFuture #HisPathStartsHere #impalapride

2024 Alabama School Counselor Association Program of Distinction Award Recipients

Fifteen Mobile County Public Schools counselors have been named 2024 Alabama School Counselor Association Program of Distinction Award recipients. This award is designed to honor schools whose counseling programs have shown excellence in promoting student success; addressing the academic, career, and social/emotional needs of students; and aligning with the comprehensive counseling model set by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA).
The school counselors honored are Lakasha Scott of Vigor, Stephen Watts and Heather Byrd of Citronelle, Kristie Matthews of Baker, Stephanie Bradford of Leinkauf, Kendra Cook and Monae Ivory of Scarborough, Lacenia Hill and Malinda Gray of LeFlore Magnet, Jermaine Walker of Washington Middle, Latoya Williams and Avory Richardson of Burns Middle, Summer Davis of Grand Bay, Kimberly Jones of Nan Gray Davis, and Alicia Clevenger of Castlen. This recognition is a reflection of their dedication and the impact they have on the lives of students.

UMS-Wright Lower School Students Participate in Summer Reading Challenge

This summer, our 2nd – 4th graders participated in the “Go for Gold” summer reading challenge! At the pep rally on September 6, Mrs. Marks and her staff rewarded the bronze, silver and gold winners based on their Accelerated Reader word count for the summer.
3rd grader, Stephania Hall, won the “Greatest of all Time” reader with over 1 million words!
4th Grade:
Gold – 200,000 or more words
Jack Thompson, Ryder Miller, Nora Riley, Lucas Cullen, Sands Moody, Eli Lindsey, Mustafa Alsyed, Jay Arnold, Beth Davis, Cooper Esfeller, Emma Grace Griffin, MacGuire Byrne, Emma Runkel, Benjamin Griffin, Raya Alkharabsheh, Maddox Deen, Kathryn Dean, Isabelle Cook, Maverick Santana, Una Lou Ozokur, Arella Crawford, Walt Pilot, Cam Brenes, Burton Slaton
Silver- 150,000-199,999 words
Eleanor Oswalt, John Phillips, Walker McKean, Aurelia Marie McMahon, David Rahm, Lee Hale
Bronze- 100,000-149,999 words
Amelia Self, Libby Bosarge, Lauren Andrews, Francisca Zacchi, Anne Rush Carl, Effie Criswell, Margaret McGowin, Haney Jones, Rolland Axtell, Sylvanie Steele, Mati David, Hooper Dabbs, Zoe-Kate Harbin, Wyatt Johnston, Mabrey Seay, Elizabeth Inge
3rd Grade:
Gold- 150,000 or more words
Stephania Hall, Aryan Patel, Rayan Alsyed, Ayman Abdalla, Fritz Lursen, Adam Bedeir, Charlotte Boehm, Blythe Tuell, Harper Turnage, William Walsh, Brooklyn Harris, James Galle, Redford Smith, Annalynn Houston, Franco Jones, Sarah Brooke Ballard, Grace Inge, Bennett Odom, Annabelle Dempsey, Virginia Dicks, Whiting Traylor
Silver- 100,000-149,999 words
Mac Bennett, Fisher Smith
Bronze- 50,000-99,999 words
Pete Stevens, Anne Wishon, Lee Etherton, George Wolf, Mary Nell Lewis, Eric Fayard, Conner Smith, Mae Stabler, Parker Eden Stillings, Gweneth Traylor, Davis Dugger, Hayes Newman
2nd Grade:
Gold- 60,000 or more words
Yousuf Alsyed, Parker Weinstein, Curran Foose, Julian Zacchi, Penny Thompson, Ann Louise Hale, Celie Murphy, Waylon Pugh, Daniel Cook, Tristan Miller, Anni Kirkland, Noah Dean, Oliver Pilot, Fraser Reid, Andy Wood, Ben Kirkland, Sophie Lawrence, Lennox Starling, Virginia St. John, Leo Maertens, Audrey White, Everly Langham, Leah Grace Thomas, Marshall Shields, Joseph Nery
Silver- 40,000-59,999 words
Liza Riley, Harris Oswalt, Ellie Grace Parker, Hudson Israel
Bronze-20,000-39,000 words
Emma Rahm, Evelyn Walker, Christian Jones, Mallory Smith, Louise Touchton, Hattie Barton, Vivian Rose, Lawrence Wall, Reed Benton, Margaret Collins

Davidson High School Hargrove Summer Engineering Students

Congratulations to our Hargrove Summer Engineering students. From left to right: Hudson Spivey, Sagedie Diaz, Brian Carr, Gracelyn Vice, and Oscar Jones. Each of our students spoke highly of their experience and in particular developing problem-solving skills, teamwork, and ethical decision making, all very important in developing leadership and preparation to be college and career ready. Hudson worked in the field of Mechanical Engineering; Sagedie in solid works and auto CAD; Brian in Process Engineering; Gracelyn in Controls and Automation; and Oscar in Electrical Engineering. Mr. Mike Fletcher, who teaches IB Math Analysis and Algebra II and is one of Davidson’s Robotics sponsors, also joined the presentation session as a special guest. Davidson High School would like to thank Hargrove Engineering for investing in the Mobile community and our future!

Mobile County Public School Students Qualified for National Recognition Program

Thirteen Mobile County Public Schools students have qualified for the College Board’s National Recognition Program. Eligible students must score in the top 10% in their state on the PSAT; earn a 3+ on two or more AP exams; earn a cumulative GPA of B+ or higher; identify as first-generation, Black or African-American, Hispanic or Latino, Indigenous or Native; and/or attend school in a rural area or small town.
The honored students are Quinlan DeAnda and Collin Bendolph of Murphy; Dylan Nguyen, Oscar Jones, Bridget Foster, Sagedie Diaz, Maria Blount, and Isaac Barrera of Davidson; and Jasmine Trinh, Tess Rivas, Kim Pham, Ona Larkin, and Ethan Gwinn of Baker.

Allentown Elementary August 2024 GATOR Kids
Pre-K: Claire S. Holland
Kindergarten: Addilyn Reed, Bella Davis, Brecken Cullbreth, Leyla Moore, Kennedy Purdue
1st Grade: Ezra Jonas, Kyle McCall, Lincoln Currie, Rowan Fisher, Sophia Johnston, Zayden Robinson
2nd Grade: Aira Adhikari, Aranza Lozola, Emily Diego Osorio, Kai Scott-Clark, Kimora Mason, Princess Washington
3rd Grade: Arena Tanner, Brooklyn Payton, Davian Tunstall, Hagan McElhenney, Luciana Lozoya Camacho, Numayrah Khan
4th Grade: Braxton Clarke, Isabella Hacker, KaMyah Mixon, Raylon Bolton, Ryder O’Brien, Rylee O’Brien
5th Grade: Aliyah Collins, Azariah McQueen, Karleigh Hobson, Kiley Ayer, Paisley Knighten, Reginald White, Sofia Campbell

CHCA Star Student Recognition

We’re thrilled to announce that Kynsleigh Crenshaw, one of our talented first-grade students, has been honored as the SouthWest Mobile County Chamber of Commerce Star Student of the Month, sponsored by Brian Lancaster State Farm! We’re incredibly proud of Kynsleigh and the outstanding way she represents CHCA. Congratulations, Kynsleigh!

Little Flower Catholic School Welcomes New York Tour

Little Flower Catholic School welcomed visitors from Regis High School in Manhattan, New York. The eleven students and 3 chaperones were on a tour that included historic sites in Montgomery and Mobile as part of their Civil Rights/Racial Justice trip. They attended Mass at Little Flower, played games in P.E., had conversations with the middle schoolers, read to the elementary students, and hung out with the preschoolers. The group was led by Mr. Owen Smith, a former ACE teacher at Little Flower. Mr. Smith claims Mobile as his second home, and fondly remembers his time here. He wanted to make sure those in his group knew that Mobile is the home of Mardi Gras, so everyone left with a nice supply of beads. We hope Mr. Smith and his students plan a return trip to Little Flower soon.

Mobile Christian House System

In August, Mobile Christian School students were sorted for the new Mobile Christian House System. This system will teach characteristics that will be valuable to the students’ growth and how to work together for a common goal while enforcing biblical teachings for today. The students were very excited to see which house they belonged to!

Weinacker’ Montessori School’s Alabama State Department of Education Child Nutrition Programs

Weinacker’ Montessori School, Inc. announces the sponsorship of the Alabama State Department of Education Child Nutrition Programs at our Learn Play Grow Childcare location at 513 Georgian, Drive in Mobile. In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity* and sexual orientation*), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. 1.Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or 2.Fax: (202) 690-7442; or 3.Email: program.intake@usda.gov. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Bryant High School’s Wiregrass Student Angler Trail Winners

Connor Strachan and Connor Fleming recently became Alma Bryant High School’s first-ever winners in the Wiregrass Student Angler Trail. They topped 78 teams with a five-bass limit weighing 12.90 pounds and won the Big Fish title with a 5-pound catch.

Council Brings Unity Through Art

Our talented art students at Council Traditional School have come together to create a stunning collaborative masterpiece. Using around 600 craft sticks, each student from Kindergarten through 5th grade contributed their own unique piece of art. These individual creations were combined to form one magnificent artwork, showcasing the creativity and teamwork of our young artists. Well done, Comets!

St. Dominic Catholic School Students Elect Student Council

Students at St. Dominic recently elected a student council to represent and lead them this academic year. Pictured from left to right are Treasurer- Kyle Martin, Prayer Leader- Lilia Smith, President-Mack McClure, Secretary-Olivia Cowart, and Vice President-Beck Connell. Way to soar, Eagles!

5th Grade Teachers at St. Dominic bring STEM to Life

Mrs. Hutson’s 5th grade Science classes released Monarch butterflies to enhance their understanding of environment, continents, habitat, migration patterns and geography. Mrs. Hutson’s classes loved observing the caterpillars make a chrysalis and transform into butterflies.

St. Mary Catholic First Day Learning

St. Mary Catholic School welcomed all students back on August 12 for the opening day of school for the 2024-2025 academic year. As students met their new teachers and fellow students, most also jumped right into their classroom’s technology. Pictured is St. Mary’s first grade teacher, Mrs. Hanna Bolling demonstrating a lesson for the class on the SMART Board with student Harris Ankerson. photo by Marcelle Naman

St. Mary Catholic School Welcomes Governor Kay Ivey

St. Mary Catholic School welcomed Alabama Governor Kay Ivey with a visit on August 13 as part of her Back-to-School tour. She spoke to all St. Mary’s students at a morning school-wide assembly on the importance of education and faith. Governor Ivey’s visit to St. Mary is especially relevant as it is the oldest Catholic school in Alabama, established in 1867, and among 17 Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Mobile that will benefit from the recent passage of Governor Ivey’s Education Savings Account bill – the CHOOSE Act.
photo by Marcelle Naman

Science at Little Flower Catholic School

Middle School students at Little Flower Catholic School were fascinated at the workings of microscopes in the science lab. They spent the morning learning how a microscope works and how to adjust the lens for better focus. Insects were the items of interest on this day, and students practiced zooming in on antennae, eyes, mouth, wings and other body parts. The science teacher, Ms. Nichols, has promised the students that this is just the beginning of many science adventures this year.

HCA’s Welcome Back Orientation

Old faces, new faces, and familiar faces united for the upcoming school year. Faculty, parents, and students joined to see what was new and exciting. Students met their teachers, obtained their schedules, and located their classrooms. Mrs. Ida announced the 2024-2025 Lion’s Pride yearbook staff. Mrs. Bonita informed parents about school policies and expectations and introduced field trips, activities, and socials. Mrs. Bonita introduced the coordinators involved with each division — one well-oiled education machine ready for many new and returning students. The future looks bright for these students.

Red Ribbon Representative for Phillips Preparatory School

Joseph Sonith is the Red Ribbon Representative for Phillips Preparatory School for the 2024-2025 School Year. His teachers selected Joseph for this honor because of his outstanding character and leadership. We look forward to seeing what Joseph does with this year’s theme of “WE Love Our Veterans and First Responders!”

Denton Magnet School First in MCPSS to Offer New Elective Class, Peer Helpers

Denton Magnet School of Technology has a new elective course this year called Peer Helpers. We are currently the only MCPSS school to offer this elective. The class is designed to bring together diverse student leaders from across all grade levels to help Denton reach its goals for improving school climate and culture. Students will actively design and carry out various campaigns related to student and community needs. Some of biggest campaigns they will carry out this year are our Red Ribbon – Substance Abuse Awareness Week, An anti-bullying and Social Emotional Awareness week, as well as our Random Acts of Kindness week. In this course students are being taught how to support students in avoiding at-risk behaviors, how and where to seek help in times of trouble or crisis, and tips and tricks for navigating middle school successfully, both socially and academically. This elective allows students the time to learn how to help others, deepen their knowledge of various mental health concerns, and implement service projects and awareness campaigns. This course is supported by course material and professional mentorship from Thriveway. The Thriveway Peer Helper Program’s motto is “Be the good… show the way… lend a hand!”
Be the Good. All students have good within them
Show the Way. Students are given the opportunity to role model healthy coping skills
Lend a Hand: Students will support their peers as mentors and tutors

Learning Tree Students Experience Class Outside

Last month at The Learning Tree, students experienced a classroom like no other—one that involved horses, open fields, and a lot of adventure! The horseback riding experience provided by the Baldwin County Equine group was a delightful break from their usual routine. The experience also highlighted the value of teamwork, patience, and the joy of hands-on learning.

Eicholdmertz School of Math and Science 2024 Rankings

Thanks to the leadership of our principal, Azure Wells, the dedicated staff, the parents, and some of the hardest working students in the state of Alabama, we have done it again! Eichold Mertz School of Math and Science is ranked #2 in Alabama Elementary Schools. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation, and how well they prepare their students for high school.
How Eichold Mertz School of Math and Science placed statewide out of 663 schools ranked in Alabama.
• #2 in Alabama Elementary Schools
• #1 in Mobile County Public Schools Elementary Schools
• #1 in Alabama Magnet Elementary Schools
Eichold Mertz School of Math and Science did better in math and better in reading in this metric compared with students across the state.

Golden Apple Award at Eichold Mertz Magnet School

The first Golden Apple Award was given to one of our teachers here at Eichold Mertz Magnet, Mrs. S Mabien. Ms. S. Mabien was nominated by her former 5th grade students for the prestigious WKRG News 5 Golden Apple Award! This award celebrates teachers who truly make a difference in the classroom, and we are thrilled to see Mrs. Mabien’s dedication and passion recognized in such a special way. A big thank you to WKRG News 5 and their community partners for recognizing one of our very own. We’re so proud of you, Mrs. Mabien! #themertzway #GrowingGREATNESS

True-Blue Day

On September 10th, Saint Pius X Catholic School held its 10th annual True-Blue Day, expressing appreciation for all First Responders! Members of our law enforcement agencies and firefighters were treated to a grilled hamburger meal to show our gratitude for all they do for us. Pictured is Mobile Police Chief Jackson, with his step-daughter Presley and Principal Lauren Alvarez.

Welcome to St. Pius X Ms. Toni!

Our new cafeteria manager, Ms. Toni, is serving up lunch to our students. This meal, “Walking Tacos” has quickly become one of the students’ favorites! Good job, Ms. Toni!

Cultivate Studios Kicks Off an Exciting Year

Cultivate Studios Mobile kicks off their 3rd year adding a new studio to the mix, now able to serve ages 4-12! As the school grows, they’ve also welcomed a new Program Coordinator, Mackenzie Pelfrey (pictured on the far left). They’re looking forward to an exciting year ahead!

Advanced World Studies, Indeed!

When Dr. Amanda Jones, Principal at Barton Academy for Advanced World Studies, fostered the expectation of hosting advanced world studies in downtown Mobile, we didn’t know she was going to be participating as a learner and leader in this way too, but we’re honestly not surprised! She has a knack for inspiring us with her efforts to continually grow and improve as a leader and as a school. Dr. Jones has done it again by being selected as one of only four global winners of the Entrepreneurial Education Exchange Global Scholarship Program from Australian not-for-profit Young Change Agents. The program partners entrepreneurial education with global scholarship. Dr. Jones will travel to Tasmania, Australia, and present to Australian educators about entrepreneurial education and project-based learning at Barton Academy. She’ll also participate in the Entrepreneurial Education Exchange Unconference and visit an Australian school utilizing research-based entrepreneurial education strategies and programs. We are so excited that she is sharing out about the great learning taking place under the Barton dome while also soaking in strategies to bring back and share. She is a wonderful example of a leader who never stops learning and who looks to make connections that benefit her students and staff. We are so proud of her and all that she is continuing to accomplish.

St. Ignatius 8th Grade Blazer Ceremony

Eighth grade at St. Ignatius is truly a special time. Only in a K-8 environment are middle school students given ultimate leadership responsibilities. Each year, eighth grade students receive their blazers and blessed lapel pin as an outward symbol of leadership. Congratulations, St. Ignatius Class of 2025! Impalas lead the way! St. Ignatius forms leaders in mind, body and spirit.#thecatholicdifference

St. Mary's Kindergarten Boo Hoo Breakfast!

St. Mary’s welcomed in the kindergarten parents with the annual Boo Hoo Breakfast on opening day for the 2024-2025 year! St. Mary’s first grade parents sponsor this fun tradition for our kindergarten families! Pictured are St. Mary’s parents, Jessica Martin, Margaret Dudley, and Elizabeth Rossi.
Photo by Marcelle Naman

8th Grade Leadership Commissioning Ceremony

8th graders at St. Dominic were installed as the student leaders of the school during their traditional pinning ceremony recently. Each year, the faculty and students watch the 8th graders receive an eagle pin, which signifies they have become the official leaders of the school. The 8th graders pledge to model the moral values and exceptional standards indicative of SDCS graduates.

CHCA Students Diving into the Word Together

There’s nothing more inspiring than watching our students passionately dive into the Word together. On the West Campus, our girls gather every Tuesday morning for Women in the Word, and today, our guys kicked off the Better Man series with Cottage Hill Baptist Church. Join us in praying for God to move powerfully in the lives of our students this school year!

CHCA Students set the Standard for the School Year

At CHCA our mission is to provide a Christ-centered education that prepares
students for excellence as life-long disciples. One of our favorite events that embodies that goal is our Senior Sunrise event. The Class of 2025 started their year in a meaningful way with worship, prayer, and fellowship while leading the charge and setting the tone for an unforgettable 2024-2025 academic year.

Blount High School’s JROTC Tech Club Recognized for Achievement

The Mobile County Board of School Commissioners recently recognized Blount High School’s JROTC Tech Club for its achievements. These young leaders facilitated three drone workshops and executed LOTC Drone Competitions for middle schools. Blount was the only high school in the state to compete nationally for Aerial Drone Competition and VEX Robotics. The students brought their robot cat for a demonstration at the board meeting.

St. Ignatius Wins Cross Country Mobile Independent Challenge Meet

Congratulations to the St. Ignatius Cross Country team for winning the Mobile Independent Challenge meet! These students have been training hard and their hard work has paid off. Way to go, Impalas! “Go forth and set the world on fire!”- St. Ignatius of Loyola. #thecatholicdifference

Cultivate Studios Shows Off New Mural

As the space expands, teachers at Cultivate Studios Mobile spent their summer painting a new mural on the wall of the Explorer Studio to brighten up the space and welcome learners with a ray of sunshine! Here’s a few Eagles choosing to enjoy their lunch in the happy space!

Congratulations JaLaan DuBose

Congratulations to Blount High School Class of 2025 band member JaLaan DuBose, who is a finalist for the Honors Performance Series to perform at Carnegie Hall in New York.

St. Luke's Honor Pledge Assembly 2024-2025

St. Luke’s held the Honor Pledge Assembly this week. The St. Luke’s Honor Code is a comprehensive guide designed to help students conduct themselves with integrity, respect, and responsibility. It goes beyond academic honesty to encompass all aspects of student life. By adhering to this code, our students learn the value of trustworthiness, fairness, and respect for others, which are essential qualities for future leaders. We are proud of our students for reaffirming their commitment to these principles by signing the St. Luke’s Honor Pledge.
“As a St. Luke’s student, I will never lie, cheat, steal, intend to deceive nor tolerate any of these acts.”
Honor Council for 2024-2025
President: Sophie Bitzer
Seniors: Cami Abel, Megan Mcdonough, William McDonough
Juniors: Maddie Banks, Ella Bentley
Sophomores: Baker Farnell, Hannah Lockett
Freshmen: Lilly Bufford, Atli Johnston

Art at Little Flower Catholic School

In art, learning the process can combine hard work with lots of fun. Mrs. Rathle, the art teacher at Little Flower School, strikes a perfect balance of work and fun to help her kindergarten students express their most interesting designs.

UMS-Wright Students Inducted into Cum Laude Society

Students who fall into the top 10% of the senior class are placed on a blind ballot to determine who will be inducted into the Cum Laude Society during the fall semester. The ballot includes information about each student’s performance on standardized test scores and their current course enrollments.UMS-Wright is the only school in Mobile with a Cum Laude Society and one of only three in the state of Alabama (382 total chapters in 7 countries).
Congratulations to the 2024 UMS-Wright Cum Laude inductees!
L to R: Kathryn Busbee, Jewel McCrary, Jacob Cooper, Walker Busbee, Malone Ngando, Nicholas Cooper, Campbell Myers, and Brianna Sims

St. Pius X Class of 2025

The St. Pius X class of 2025 is pictured on the first day of school. These students will be our leaders for this school year. We are sure they are up for the task!

Congratulations, Mrs. Harriet Callahan

A special congratulations to Heartwood’s most beloved science teacher and marathoner, Mrs. Harriet Callahan, for winning the Grand Prix Award given by the Port City Pacers. Mrs. Harriet finished third in the female legend division. She’s fantastic and off the charts, as always. Mrs. Harriet embodies the saying, “Winners never quit,” and is a role model to everyone at Heartwood Christian School.

Bright Academy Honors Dyslexia Awareness Month

In honor of October being Dyslexia Awareness Month, Bright Academy students select a famous dyslexic person to represent in our annual Dyslexia Day presentations. Each student comes dressed as their character and gives an oral presentation providing positive encouragement about dyslexia awareness and the importance of dyslexia education. Students gain confidence knowing that dyslexia is not a disability; it is an ability to learn differently and shine brightly as the person you are created to be!


St. Dominic Catholic School has announced its theme for the 2024-2025 school year, “Faith is the Heart and Soul of Our School.” Two additional faculty members have been hired to teach a “Heart and Soul” enrichment class, and the school has begun a carline prayer campaign to encourage families to make the best use of morning carpool. The campaign encourages students to “make their mark”, impacting their homes and communities through good choices and exemplary character.

St. Luke's 5th Graders Harmonize Fun and Learning in Weekly Music Lessons

St. Luke’s 5th-grade class enjoys their weekly music lesson, a blend of fun and learning. Students not only enjoyed the rhythms and melodies but also delved into the fascinating world of music theory. They worked on music theory sheets to help them grasp the fundamentals of reading music notations. From identifying different notes and their values to understanding key and time signatures, the students will gradually build a foundation in music literacy.

Bright Academy's Annual LEGO Night

Looking for a great family event? Join us October 22, 2024, from 6pm – 8pm at The Locale, for an evening of fun with dinner, a silent auction, and a LEGO building competition for ages 4 – adult. Prizes will be awarded in each age category. The auction will have some great items for yourself or a Christmas gift for someone special! Register and purchase tickets today at
The Locale is located at 4128 Government Blvd, Mobile, AL 36693

Davidson High School Swim Team

On September 6, members of Davidson’s swim team, along with their coach Brian Duke, attended the groundbreaking ceremony for Mobile County’s Aquatic Center! Two-time Olympian Paige Madden, who recently earned a silver and bronze medal at the Paris 2024 Olympics, was also in attendance and visited with our swimmers. It was a great day for these student athletes!

Davidson Students Qualify for National Recognition Program

Davidson High School is proud to announce we have SIX students who have qualified for College Board’s National Recognition Program. To be eligible, these students must take the PSAT and score in the top 10% of test takers in their state; earn a 3+ on 2 or more AP exams; earn a cumulative GPA of B+ or higher; and identify as first-generation, Black or African-American, Hispanic or Latino, Indigenous or Native, and/or attend school in a rural area or small town.
Picture left to right, these students are Dylan Nguyen, Oscar Jones, Bridget Foster, Sagedie Diaz, Maria Blount, and Isaac Barrera. We are so proud of these students! Go Warriors!

St. Luke’s Students Rise to New Heights Engineering Students Master Teamwork and Innovation

Teamwork and innovation at its finest! Mr. Mutchnick’s Introduction to Engineering students took on an exciting challenge: build the tallest tower using just one sheet of paper and a limited amount of tape. The ultimate test? Keeping it standing for 60 seconds! Students had to brainstorm ideas, evaluate different design approaches, and collaborate effectively to bring their visions to life. It taught the students valuable lessons in communication, compromise, and creative problem-solving—skills essential not only in engineering but in any collaborative endeavor.

Covenant Christian Fall News!

As autumn settles in, we’re thrilled to see our school buzzing with activity! From the classroom to the field, our students are diving into their studies and extracurriculars with enthusiasm and determination.
Academics: Our students are fully immersed in their lessons, whether it’s exploring new concepts in science, reciting weekly Bible verses, or diving into computer programming. Creativity flows in art class, and music fills the halls as students harmonize their voices. The gym is alive with energy as students work on their fitness and teamwork.
Extracurriculars & Athletics: Our Junior High Honors and Scholar’s Bowl teams are hard at work planning community service projects and preparing for upcoming competitions. On the court, our volleyball team is making us proud with their impressive performances, while our cross country runners are achieving great results on open-air courses.
It’s a GREAT Day to be an Eagle!

Corpus Christi Student’s Scientific Endeavors

Seventh-grade students practiced using the compound light microscope by preparing a wet-mount slide with pond water, examining the microorganisms present, and then explaining.
Pictured: Natalia Perez

St. Mary's Carey Arensberg Receives APL Educator of the Month

During St. Mary Catholic School’s August Professional Development Day, St. Mary’s Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Counselor Mrs. Carey Arensberg, was surprised by representatives from Alabama Public Television who awarded her the September Educator of the Month! photo by Marian Warner